
Showing posts from May, 2020

Contact tracing

What would it take to reopen countries during the COVID-19 global pandemic? The answer is Contact Tracing. Contract Tracing means to identify all people who carry the disease, to then monitor everyone they have been in contact with. This approach is one of the measures that need to go hand in hand with Social Distancing and self quarantine to effectively overcome this crisis. But how does this work in practice? Contact Tracing is something most countries are currently already doing - but all in analogic. This means that people are being tracked physically and contacted one-by-one by medical personnel to warn them to self quarantine or to get tested. This process, however, is highly inefficient, as it is very time consuming and requires a lot of human workforce. Most recent analyses highlight that the interview with the infected person alone might take up to 12 hours - and only then the tracking begins. As you can see, this process is rather slow and we are losing valuable time ...

Checklist to make your next ZOOM video call secure

We all know that the easiest solution in communication is also always the most widely used. No one wants to use overly complicated tools for a quick call on the last minute urgency at work, right? Now the most widely used means that can be targeted widely too by scammers. It is time to sit back, and add another level of security to the most popular tool for communications in this pandemic era. The pro tips to enhance security on zoom BEFORE THE MEETING Also -Add safety procedures in the description of the meeting room -View and admit participants -Don’t Use Personal Meeting ID for Public Meetings -Require a Password to Join -Only Allow Registered or Domain Verified Users DURING MEETING PRO TIPS -Lock the Meeting once all the attendees have arrived -Enable waiting room -Manage participants -Control screen sharing or turn it off. No one wants to be interrupted by a Zoom Bomber while presenting the latest feature of a software release, right? This option can be accessed from the new ...


This is not another detox guide. This is the definitive guide on how to get rid of the now annoying facebook and live happily. Follow the step for the current procedure to leave the Facebook social network: First of all, the mother of salvation: the backup. You don’t want to lose all the information you throw out there for the past, help me say, 10 years? How to get a backup of all your data Step 1 Settings > Your Fb Information > Download your information Step 2 Select file format, (HTML recommended) select Create File Step 3 Select all the items in the list of information you are downloading Step 3.2 Information about you > Information associated at you Facebook account, such as logins to Facebook, and what devices you use Step 4 Download your information Now the painful part, the deletion. To be done once you receive your backup which will happen via email Step 1 MANAGING YOUR INFORMATION Step 2 I want to manage my data htt...

WHY TO QUIT FACEBOOK - and live happily ever after

I quit Facebook. Why? Because I was curious to see the procedure and how to opt out my data. Also because it was causing me anxiety, but that’s a whole other story. There are a number of steps and procedures to follow in order to collect all your data and then delete your profile, of course they won’t make it easy for you, and why should they? Sounds like a rhetorical question, but there is an answer: they should make it easy because of trust issues we have now toward the giant of silicon valley. They make it difficult, foggy, and the more we dig, the more foggy it gets. I wonder if they made it simple what would have happened. Probably the majority of people would not feel the urge to get rid of facebook and then abandon the platform with frustration without opting out. Also we are talking of opting out from ONE of Facebook’s products, the social network. So with all probabilities you are currently using a high number of facebook products. Once you opt out from Facebook and request yo...


Privacy and the Internet are two concepts we are used to. Together in the same sentence, they sound pretty odd recently, we feel we have been spied on and followed for a long time. And it is like waking up from a very nice dream: our safe space on the internet, where we were doing shopping enjoying the absence of the shopping assistant constantly checking on us “how can we help you?” Now has become the same even online and even worse, we get used to it without asking ourselves the right question: not why do we have to be followed, but HOW. Getting to know how the internet and the lack of privacy work together, will help us understand how we can make the internet a better, more secure place to be in. So what does Privacy mean? Depending on who you ask this question, but on a broader definition privacy is the right to be let alone. Given this fact and its many interpretations, it comes natural to think that it is one of our most natural rights: a person should be free to disclose as much...


What do 1984 of George Orwell, The Truman Show and the infamous BigBrother reality Show have in common? They all describe a dystopian society where privacy is not a thing of this world, or worst it has been taken away without the main character’s consent (the Truman show) or has been imposed with brutality (1984) Or it’s a fun thing to watch to unplug our brains. Reality is not going so much further from what we have only seen in Movies or Books. Are we entering a surveillance era? Is this the real cost, the price we pay for this continuous stream of free information and entertainment? There are approximately 30 billions devices connected to the internet at the moment, and they are only growing in number. They can go from a “simple” computer to your doorbell, from your dildo, to your kid’s toy. It’s easy then to feel that we are being spied on. Is it just paranoia or truth? One thing it’s known for sure, all these companies are collecting everything they can, but very few of them know ...